All summer I wondered when Aiden would lose his first tooth and then in September during his dental check up they discovered the 'shark tooth'. One of his adult teeth had grown in behind the baby teeth. We were supposed to help him wiggle his baby teeth and hopefully they would fall out on their own. No such luck. After a month of waiting we went and had them pulled. Aiden did fabulous and I was surprised how long his tiny nubbins of baby teeth actually were with the root still attached. I have known for a month when he would lose his first teeth but I still didn't have it together. I was scrambling to find the tooth fairy box I purchased years ago and what type of currency the tooth fairy was doling these days.
I think all of our kiddos are going to have trouble eating Halloween candy because none of them have teeth!!! Congrats Aiden!!!
and I forgot I had bought Aiden a tooth fairy book!!!
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