Friday, July 3, 2009

ghetto jet

Our flight was interesting. It started at 2:30am when we pulled ourselves and kids out of bed to drive to the airport. We realized at the last minute that our flight was actually with another airline due to 'co sharing' airlines. When we found our plane seats we were the very last row on the plane. Dale took the higher road and sat btwn the kids in one row and I sat across the aisle from them. The woman I sat beside looked genuinely displeased to have me sitting beside her. The plane was old. It had a funky smell, dirty seats and the old school tv monitors hanging from the ceiling for the on flight movie. After take off they realized the sound was broken so there was no movie. Amelia spit her gum on the seat before take off. We also had a constant stream of strangers standing uncomfortably close while waiting in line for the bathroom. There was only one of the three bathrooms in operation. Like I said - ghetto jet. The final touch to the flight was Amelia bumped Dale and spilled cranberry juice all over Dale's crotch and he was wearing khaki pants. When we arrived at JFK Dale's sister was in a completely different terminal expecting us to arrive on another airline. We had no cell phones to try and contact her. Finally Dale got a hold of her on a strangers cell phone. An hour later we were on the road!


Rachel said...

Oh my goodness! I can picture it. I'll be praying that the flight was the low point of your vacation. Hope you're having a great time!!

Mary said...

I think we share similar vacation experiences....sorry to hear of that!!! BTW no fun package yet, will continue to check! :)

Mary said...

Your nice neighbors picked up your package, so it's here safe and sound!!! Anxious to hear about the rest of your vaca!

rebecca said...

Happy to hear you made it over there in one piece.


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