-Aiden wakes me at 7:45 requesting breakfast. Both kids are in a huge growth spurt sleeping 12 hours at night and needing to eat as soon as they get up
- sleepily stumble down the stairs to make toast and eggs for Aiden, cut up a pineapple with my super duper kitchen gadget that doesn't seem to work today, make his lunch, check computer, drink coffee
- 8:45 Aiden leaves in the carpool for school
- 9:00 Amelia wakes up wanting french toast
- more laundry
- make beds, chat on phone with friends
- work on bible study, stay in my pajamas until noon, a late night really brings out the lazy
- Amelia says 'her tongue needs hot chocolate' how can I deny that?
- noon, lunch of cottage cheese and pineapple
- shower and getting ready for work
- 1:30 leave for work, crazy busy, super sick patient
- 9:oo finish work early, on call tonight, come home, visit with Dale
- 10:00 to bed, pager by bedside hoping it doesn't go off tonight!
Early night??? Yeah for you!!! I hope you got some sleep and the pager stayed quiet...please pass on the good vibes for tonight!!
Damn, wish my little one could sleep past 6:30; even on my days off I can't sleep in.
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