Tuesday, April 20, 2010

week in my life:monday

-woke up at 7am, come downstairs, upload week end photos so I can start this project, check email, drink coffee, admire my welcome home flowers
-7:30 Aiden awake and dressed in shorts for the beautiful sunny day we're going to have, Aiden and I have breakfast of yogurt, pear and granola
-8:10 Amelia wakes up, breakfast of cereal for her, pack Aiden's lunch, he's back to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches after almost a year and half hiatus!
-8:30 Aiden walks to school with a neighbor (and his Mom), I blog the weekend and start the kids laundry, stepping over Lego, Amelia playing in her room
-10:00 to the gym, hoping to get back in the groove, my knee surgery has me out of just about every routine of everyday life
-11:30 back from the gym, Amelia ad I make strawberry smoothies and I have my new favorite salad- pickled beets and feta cheese
12:30 shower and get ready for work
1:30 babysitter arrives and I leave for work, long slow day at work with mostly one complicated patient, work a little late, home at 11:45, glass of wine, crackers and wind down time on computer
12:30 to bed


Mary said...

Cannot wait to try the pickle beet and feta salad!!! Looks like a busy start to your week.

~beautyandjoy~ said...

I need that pickled beet recipe! Love glimpses into normal days... it's really sweet.

akatess said...

As a caring and concerned sister we NEED to discuss your shoes!!! What are you thinking lol????

Jen said...

in my defense they are nursing shoes and they don't look that bad at work I wouldn't wear them anywhere else


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