Meelers turned 18 months on Monday. She had her check up yesterday and weighed in at 23 pounds 11 ounces (45th percentile) and 34 inches long (98th percentile). She did great with her vaccines once they put the 'puppy' band aids on. I think she completely forgot what had just happened and kept pointing at the Snoopy band aids and saying 'puppies, puppies'. If you ever need to distract Amelia you say the word puppy and she starts on her little puppy tangent. I was a little excited when the doctor mentioned the potty training packet because he thought she would be interested soon. My goal is before two but we'll see what really happens. She finally is rid of a pesky month long ear infection and now we will look at getting tubes put in September. Hopefully, that will help her out. She is such a happy little girl if her ears aren't hurting. A few things I am loving about my girl right now:
calls me mama or mommies
knows her animal sounds and they sound so cute (I have to make a video)
would live entirely off crackers (crackaw) and cereal if we let her
started playing with dolls,feeding them bottles and carrying them around in a doll bed
loves to snuggle and sit on your lap
loves to play with shoes
sits on her trike but no pedalling yet
she loves to hold your hands and jump
her favorite book is "How do dinosaurs say goodnight" and her dinosaur roar is completely adorable
she calls Aiden 'duddy'
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