Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shuswap: a comedy of mishaps!

Our summer vacation wasn't quite what we expected:
- Amelia is a terrible traveller (if you're not there in an hour expect the shrieking to start and she does not sleep in the car!)we travelled a total of 15 hours
- our bank and credit cards were frozen because of our increased spending out of country (duh, we're on vacation!)We found this out in the grocery store when I was trying to pay for a weeks worth of groceries for 2 families
- Aiden locked the keys and cell phone in the truck
- the weather was not great (we were rained off the beach three days in a row)
- the fourth day we went into town to play mini golf and drive go carts and enjoyed a summer rain storm while playing outdoor mini golf ( Amelia was completely overtired and layed on the green having a temper tantrum both Dale and I just watched her {I can't say we didn't want to join her} )
- the power went out for a couple of hours in the cabin one day and I was starting to worry we would lose all our food
- it's not really a 'vacation' when you travel with young children
We left Shuswap on Thursday and drove over to my parent's cabin 3 hours away hoping for a little grandparent respite
- I got sick within hours of arriving there and spent a day in bed
- it was cold and rainy at their place too
- the power went off at their cabin also
It wasn't a terrible trip and we have pictures to prove it but I'll post those tomorrow!

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