today after swim lessons I stopped off to mail our Christmas packages at the post office. I was feeling really "on" with these task being completed so early in the season. I like to use the self serve kiosk to ship my packages when possible. There was only one person ahead of me and the regular line was out the door! A guy was just refilling the postage stickers in the kiosk and we would be good to go. The man locks up the machine and the customer shifts a little to the right - to expose the 20 packages she has lined up by the machine. Darn ebayer! Well, I'm still ahead of the game that other line is huge. The post office guy is saying hi to my kids and glances at my boxes. Apparently my recycled beer box is considered "hazardous material" because it once shipped alcohol and could now be flammable. He suggested I ship it priority mail and plaster the logo with priority mail stickers." It should only cost a dollar or two more." Sounds good to me! I start the task of plastering my box with stickers while Aiden is dangerously circling other customers with Amelia in the stroller. Then, a guy in a wheelchair comes into the post office and asks if anyone has a black jeep. Yeah, that would be me. I guess I parked too close to his car and he couldn't get in. He offered to watch my kids inside while I moved my car. Uhh, no thanks. So I loaded the kids back in the jeep to move the car 6 inches ( I'm not complaining, I was too close for him) And then proceeded back into the post office just as Miss Ebayer is finishing up and it's my turn! I'm a little flustered by now. I stuck the wrong postage on each package and those stickers are not too forgiving. Also Mr. Post Office man - priority mail was twice as much but I didn't care by then! Then I put the package in the drop box and it didn't fit! I squished it til it did and left - not making eye contact with any other customers. So.. lesson #1 if you pull into a parking spot next to a disabled spot make sure you leave enough space.
#2 don't ship packages in beer boxes
#3 when pulling out of the parking lot to leave don't push on the gas too hard b/c it's really frosty out today and you'll do a burn out and truly feel like an idiot!
*** one more lesson after the post office we headed to the drive thru car wash and you I was too distracted reliving my embarrassing moments in my head to notice Aiden had rolled down his window and was getting sprayed with high pressure water until he started screaming! lesson #4 auto lock all windows before proceeding through a car wash with anyone under the age of 18.
I am so sorry you had such a rough time today. I can picture every detail in my head. But I must admit, I can't stop laughing. Sounds like something that would happen to me (all of it!)
LOL!!! I'm sorry to laugh at your misfortune but I gotta tell ya, that's the best story I've heard in a really long time!!! All lessons have been noted, but I can't promise I won't forget and do the same thing! Thanks for sharing!!
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