Friday, December 28, 2007

Miss Melers at 11 months

today Amelia is eleven months! The baby stage is fading and she's getting ready to be a toddler. As sad as that is to me I'm excited for the next stage to see her little personality emerge and see her accomplish new tasks almost everyday. It seems like she will walk at any moment but it's been that way for months. She said "tree" pronounced "tee" and pointed to the Christmas tree the other day.
- her other words include mama, dada, baba (bottle), nana (banana), num,num night,night, uhoh, ooowee(sp) and wow
- she loves music and will start dancing whenever she hears a beat
- she loves to climb the stairs fast
- she still will eat any paper she can find
- she loves animals and always wants to grasp their fur and tails
- two upper teeth have popped through yesterday
- she likes to play peek a boo, pat a cake and itsy bitsy spider
- she scream/squeals a lot ( I'm hoping this stops as she learns more words)
- she naps twice a day for approx 2 hours (love it) I'm sure this won't last
- she doesn't seem to like baby food anymore and really wants what we are eating

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