Amelia turned 15 months last week and I feel I need to write everything down because it changes so quickly!
-food continues to be a challenge, she will eat most fruits and dairy ( except for cheese)
- her approved fruit eating list is: one bite of banana every 2-3 weeks, mandarin oranges, apples, strawberries, watermelon
- pumpkin in yogurt is the only consistent vegetable
- raisins, goldfish, graham crackers, fruit leathers, cream cheese and jelly sandwiches, pizza crust are acceptable
- definitely a vegetarian: she used to shriek and lean to one side if you placed the tiniest piece of chicken in front of her now she picks up the offending piece of meat says "no" in her slow deliberate way and drops it on the floor
- loves her bottles!
she still loves to dance to any music ( she was bopping to the washing machine's spin cycle the other day)
she loves to play outside and walk on her own ( as long as she is headed in the direction away from the house as soon as you turn her towards the house she tries to lay down on the ground {charming})
she likes to play in dirt and sand or splash in water
she likes to play with Aiden's cars, walk around with books but will try to close it while you're reading to her, snuggles her stuffed animals
she has become aware of babies and will point them out ( sometimes they're older the her but she will still say "baby")
her words include: hi, up, mama, dada, no, happy, baby, apple, baba, thank you (dank do) night-night, yeah (yes), Ameia (Amelia), Aida (Aiden), ball, bear and bird
she points to birds in the sky and will follow with her finger as they fly across the sky
she says animal sounds for a cat, dog, and cow
she loves to carry Aiden's lunch kit to and from school and run into his classroom and sit at the table
she still has 2 naps a day and she goes to bed with Aiden's white bear
she can rough house a bit with Aiden
she is absolutely wonderful and we love her so much!
*** I don't think a shred of paper has passed her lips in the last month! Amelia the paper hunter no more!
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