Since we have moved to this neighborhood we have enjoyed a visit from the firetruck Santa each year. Santa and about 6 firetrucks arrive on a Saturday in December and collect donations of food and toys for Project Santa. The kids get to sit on Santa's lap and get there picture taken. It's usually pouring rain and the Polaroid picture is very grainy ( I love these pictures). This year there were no Polaroids ( I guess because there is no more Polaroid film to be made). Amelia didn't like this Santa and wanted to get off right away. We snapped a few pics checked out a firetruck and we were on our merry way.
In the afternoon we headed up to Canada for a little family holiday celebration. The kids had fun playing with their cousin. Last night when we left I asked Aiden if he had a good time and he replied: " Yeah, especially after the Lego!" (which had been the Christmas gift he opened).
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