Christmas morning we were woken by Amelia. Aiden slept close to an hour longer. Then it was a race downstairs. I went ahead of the kids to turn on the tree and make sure it looked like Christmas morning when they walked into the living room. Both kids were immediately enamored with their Santa gifts. A play kitchen for Amelia and deluxe scooter for Aiden. They oohed and aahed over stocking stuffers (Aiden got a whoopee cushion, watch out!) And then we spent a nice a relaxing morning opening our gifts from each other. It was scaled back from previous years and it was lovely. Aiden loved his microscope and I think we may have a future scientist on our hands. I think my favorite gift was from Aiden, he found a building for my Christmas village that is "Jennifer's Craft Shoppe". I found it so sweet that he had recognized my name and wanted to get it for me.
1 comment:
Looks like some great gifts... I like the microscope. Probably one of my favorite gifts as a kid!
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