Aiden has a bit of an obsessive personality. He gets and idea in his head and he won't let it go. I wonder where he gets that from, Dale? This past week end he kept asking Dale to draw a skeleton or a skull. Then he would carefully copy these pictures and cut them out. He then decided his sweatshirt needed a little 'applique'. He gluesticked his artistic masterpieces onto one of his sweatshirts and couldn't wait for Monday morning to wear it to school. I had to let him because he was so obviously proud of his creation. I was a little scared some of the kids would laugh at him and the teacher might wonder about a kid showing up with paper pieces glued all over his shirt but I really had to let that all go and roll with it. When I picked him up from school he said all the boys in class wanted to try it on and were jealous (really?). I then asked what Mrs.R thought of his sweatshirt and that's when he told me he had a sub that day. Great, I'm sure she thinks he's some sort of lunatic kid and left a special note for Mrs.R.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
future clothing designer
Aiden has a bit of an obsessive personality. He gets and idea in his head and he won't let it go. I wonder where he gets that from, Dale? This past week end he kept asking Dale to draw a skeleton or a skull. Then he would carefully copy these pictures and cut them out. He then decided his sweatshirt needed a little 'applique'. He gluesticked his artistic masterpieces onto one of his sweatshirts and couldn't wait for Monday morning to wear it to school. I had to let him because he was so obviously proud of his creation. I was a little scared some of the kids would laugh at him and the teacher might wonder about a kid showing up with paper pieces glued all over his shirt but I really had to let that all go and roll with it. When I picked him up from school he said all the boys in class wanted to try it on and were jealous (really?). I then asked what Mrs.R thought of his sweatshirt and that's when he told me he had a sub that day. Great, I'm sure she thinks he's some sort of lunatic kid and left a special note for Mrs.R.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
happy birthday baby girl
Today Amelia turned 2. Wow. That was fast. She's been acting like a two year old for quite some time but now it's official. My baby is two. Amelia and I made waffles for breakfast and we sang happy birthday to her and she blew out a candle. She thought that was great fun and of course her brother had to have a few turns too. We met Dale downtown at the Olde Town Cafe and had a quick birthday lunch before I headed off to work. I can't believe I scheduled myself on her birthday! Tonight Amelia opened some gifts and Auntie Danelle out did herself. A whole box of 'Fancy Nancy' dress up clothes. Amelia loves it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
un eagle park
Keeping with our frigid family adventure theme, we decided to check out the Eagle Park in Deming today. We bundled up and I brought my zoom lens hoping to get some eagle pictures. Not a single sight or sound of an eagle. The road was closed (due to the flooding and wash out a few weeks ago) just past the park where we had seen a lot of eagles last year. We played hide and seek and bit of tag to keep ourselves warm. I took some pictures and then we headed home. Brrr.
school performance
Thursday Aiden had his first school concert. It was called "We all celebrate" and it was a very fun multicultural concert with some sweet singing. We sat quite far back and it was hard to get any pictures (note to self: bring the zoom lens next time). My parents came down to watch and spend the night which made it even more special for Aiden.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
a new day
I just hung the flag outside to celebrate our new president and Amelia stood beside me and sang a very patriotic rendition of 'Jingle Bells'. What a sweet story to tell when she is much older of the day Barack Obama became the 44th president.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dale and I got a rare three day week end yesterday. We had decided to head to Birch Bay and enjoy the beautiful sunshine we've had all week end. We had checked the tide table and timed it perfectly (we are famous for showing up at high tide with our buckets and shovels). Major bummer for the kids. Just before we reached the beach we rolled into some heavy fog. I couldn't believe our luck. It was freezing and you could barely see two feet in front of you. The kids were still up for the beach so we braved the 38 degree temp and did a walk through the tide flats. Amelia was chasing and trying to 'huggie the chickens {seagulls}'. Aiden found a few half broken 'treasure' shells. The kids were good sports about the whole experience but I was pretty disappointed to have missed the sunny warm afternoon I had envisioned.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
8 healthy foods
I came across this last week and forget where I got it from but here's a list of some healthy foods and why you should eat them!
The eight best foods to eat everyday for better health!
1. Spinach
Spinach is a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate. It will help me reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. The goal is to eat one cup of fresh spinach or a half cup of cooked spinach a day. This isn’t as hard as it seems. You can throw a few fresh spinach leaves on top of a salad or pizza, or add it as an ingredient to your morning omelette (you eat a good breakfast right?).
2. Yogurt
This one is pretty easy for me because I like to eat yogurt. It boosts your immune system by providing tons of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt also helps to protect your system from cancer and cavities. I’d like to keep my own chompers to eat with when I get old. Just make sure that your yogurt includes live, active cultures and avoid brands that include high fructose corn syrup. Mix blueberries and walnuts into your yogurt and you have a powerhouse breakfast or snack.
3. Red Tomatoes
I can add tomatoes to my sandwich or salad, drink low-sodium V-8, or just slice one up and eat it by itself! These powerhouses are packed with lycopene which is a terrific antioxidant. The equivalent of 8 cherry red tomatoes or one glass of tomato juice a day can reduce my risk of several different cancers as well as coronary artery disease!
4. Carrots
Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds that reduce the risk for a wide-range of cancers. They also help ease inflammatory diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. A half a cup a day of carrots a day is low in calories and packs all the carotenoids you need. I like to eat raw baby carrots as a snack or add some grated carrots to my salad.
5. Blueberries
As I mentioned above, mixing blueberries into my morning yogurt or blending them into a fresh fruit smoothie for an afternoon treat is easy. These tiny berries pack more antioxidants than any other North American fruit. They help prevent cancer, diabetes and age-related memory loss. They are also rich in fiber, as well as, vitamins A and C. I’ll strive to eat one cup a day.
6. Black Beans
What to boost your brain power? Eat a half of cup of black beans a day! These jewels are loaded with anthocyanin which improves brain function. Black beans are also good for your heart. The half a cup I mentioned contains 8 grams of protein to keep you from feeling so hungry so often and 7.5 grams of fiber for good colon health. Black beans are great in burritos, quesadillas, or tossed in a salad.
7. Walnuts
The walnut is truly a super food and I only need to eat about 1 once per day! They pack more heart-healthy omega 3s than salmon, more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than red wine, and half as much protein as chicken! Only walnuts include all three of these benefits. They are great as a mid-morning snack all by themselves!
8. Oats
Oats, like you find in oatmeal, have soluble fiber which reduces the risk of heart disease. Soluble fiber also helps to lower cholesterol which is something I need to do. I will limit my intake to about a half a cup a day because oats are loaded with carbs which convert to sugar.
Eating healthier is not as hard as it seems
I feel that focusing on these eight
The eight best foods to eat everyday for better health!
1. Spinach
Spinach is a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate. It will help me reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. The goal is to eat one cup of fresh spinach or a half cup of cooked spinach a day. This isn’t as hard as it seems. You can throw a few fresh spinach leaves on top of a salad or pizza, or add it as an ingredient to your morning omelette (you eat a good breakfast right?).
2. Yogurt
This one is pretty easy for me because I like to eat yogurt. It boosts your immune system by providing tons of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt also helps to protect your system from cancer and cavities. I’d like to keep my own chompers to eat with when I get old. Just make sure that your yogurt includes live, active cultures and avoid brands that include high fructose corn syrup. Mix blueberries and walnuts into your yogurt and you have a powerhouse breakfast or snack.
3. Red Tomatoes
I can add tomatoes to my sandwich or salad, drink low-sodium V-8, or just slice one up and eat it by itself! These powerhouses are packed with lycopene which is a terrific antioxidant. The equivalent of 8 cherry red tomatoes or one glass of tomato juice a day can reduce my risk of several different cancers as well as coronary artery disease!
4. Carrots
Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds that reduce the risk for a wide-range of cancers. They also help ease inflammatory diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. A half a cup a day of carrots a day is low in calories and packs all the carotenoids you need. I like to eat raw baby carrots as a snack or add some grated carrots to my salad.
5. Blueberries
As I mentioned above, mixing blueberries into my morning yogurt or blending them into a fresh fruit smoothie for an afternoon treat is easy. These tiny berries pack more antioxidants than any other North American fruit. They help prevent cancer, diabetes and age-related memory loss. They are also rich in fiber, as well as, vitamins A and C. I’ll strive to eat one cup a day.
6. Black Beans
What to boost your brain power? Eat a half of cup of black beans a day! These jewels are loaded with anthocyanin which improves brain function. Black beans are also good for your heart. The half a cup I mentioned contains 8 grams of protein to keep you from feeling so hungry so often and 7.5 grams of fiber for good colon health. Black beans are great in burritos, quesadillas, or tossed in a salad.
7. Walnuts
The walnut is truly a super food and I only need to eat about 1 once per day! They pack more heart-healthy omega 3s than salmon, more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than red wine, and half as much protein as chicken! Only walnuts include all three of these benefits. They are great as a mid-morning snack all by themselves!
8. Oats
Oats, like you find in oatmeal, have soluble fiber which reduces the risk of heart disease. Soluble fiber also helps to lower cholesterol which is something I need to do. I will limit my intake to about a half a cup a day because oats are loaded with carbs which convert to sugar.
Eating healthier is not as hard as it seems
I feel that focusing on these eight
Friday, January 16, 2009
tiny dancer

Amelia was born to dance. Anytime she hears some music she starts bopping to the beat and you can almost always distract her with a little dance break. We started a mommy and me class in the fall and she loves it. Yesterday, Dale was able to meet us at dance class and see Amelia in all her glory. During the class the teacher brought out some leis as a prop for a dance. Amelia piled every possible one and could barely move. The girl knows no restraint when it comes to accessories! Amelia was so happy to share her favorite part of the week with Dale.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I took 99 pictures this morning...(and I like 6 of them)

Since getting my new camera I don't seem to take as many pictures. Mostly because I don't like how they turn out. I really need to figure out this camera! This morning I asked Aiden to unbuckle Amelia out of her booster seat while I was getting dressed. I came downstairs to find that he had gotten her out of her seat and must have carried her across the room and layed down with her on his chest. It was a cute sight and lots of giggling from the two of them. I grabbed my camera and started snapping away. Later we headed to dance class and Dale was able to meet up with us and I was able to get some more pictures. I'll share the dance class ones tomorrow.
weigh in wednesdays
I've found an accountability to this blog that I haven't had in other areas of my life. I'm hoping that posting my weight loss each week will keep me motivated and honest. Getting on the scale yesterday I found that I have 28.8 pounds to lose. Somehow that number feels attainable. Each Wednesday I'll hopefully be posting good news!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Victor the Victorious
Sunday, January 11, 2009
could this mean...
I have a drinking problem? I was just doing a quick tidy of the kitchen while my camera was uploading on the computer. I grabbed two new bottles of wine off the kitchen counter to put away in the dining room. As I was setting the wine bottles horizontal on the wine rack I felt my hand get wet and noticed I had spilled red wine all over the dining room carpet. I yelled at Dale for opening the bottle of wine (I hadn't thought to check, it's his fault, not mine). I was frantically trying to think how to clean the mess out of the carpet (that thankfully is very similar to AstroTurf in the stain department) and remembered you can pour white wine over red and it should make the stain disappear. Ordinarily I would have my box 'o white wine in the fridge that I could have grabbed a glass of and poured on the carpet. But I'm out. I do have one lonely bottle of white on the wine rack (thanks Heather) that I was really hesitant to open just to pour on the carpet. Thankfully water, paper towels and a bit of resolve carpet cleaner did the trick. But now I'm a little concerned that I wasn't willing to sacrifice a small amount of wine to take a stain out of my carpet, that sounds a little serious.
I did it!

Today Dale and I tackled Mt.Baker. Originally, we had planned to go snowshoeing today(nice and safe, I know). But then Dale bought a new snowboard and was itching to try it out. I haven't been skiing in 13 years! The last time I skied I hurt my knee and have been scared to ski ever since.I am so glad I went. I took it really easy and didn't over do it but it felt good to be on the mountain doing something I used to enjoy. I am loving the 'courage' in 2009. We are looking forward to taking Aiden out and eventually Amelia too. The mitten in the picture is for our niece Megan's kindergarten class project.
Thursday, January 8, 2009

I joined the gym this week. So far so good. The kids like the play place. I've found the ladies only gym off the change room nice and quiet. I have big plans to move into the regular gym once I'm not a brilliant shade of scarlet after 2.4 minutes on any cardio machine. I may even try a class if some friends would join...hint,hint. Then today I was blindsided. One of the daycare ladies approached me, I thought it was something to do with the kids. She asked if I had tried their 'body pump' class. I replied 'no' and started to put my headphones back on. She said they needed one more person at the noon class or it would be cancelled. I had two problems with this proposition. I had just finished 30 minutes on the treadmill and was the above mentioned shade of scarlet and secondly, I had on really ratty work out clothes. I have cute clothes but I had already worn them this week. I entered the classroom to find a few perfectly co ordinated women, barbells, dumbbells and step benches. I was screwed. Too make a long story short, I survived. I was shaking and an even deeper shade of scarlet at the end (didn't think that was possible). I followed the instructor so closely that I even did a few of her 'pump up the class' jumps and hollers. I am a very good student. I will probably be calling in 'immobile' to work tomorrow but I'm glad I tried the class and will definitely be going again.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Target ramblings
A co worker told me awhile ago it's cheaper to buy something overpriced at Haggens than run to Target for the same item. Yesterday, her theory was proven. I needed face wash and moisturizer, I remembered at Haggens but it seemed to be twice the price. I'll just make a special trip to Target and save 10 bucks and also pick up a day planner. Amelia and I headed over after dropping Aiden off at school. In less than 10 minutes I had located my three items and was heading to the cashier. Oh.. I need to pick up a pay as you go cell phone since cancelling my phone last month. What, you didn't know I don't have my cell anymore? That's because I only talked on it a total of 29 minutes in 5 years. It was always dead in the bottom of my purse or I couldn't hear it ringing. It was a major source of contention between Dale and I. Now I kinda like leaving the house knowing I am free from pesky phone calls. I do see the need for one in emergencies hence the 'go phone'. I located the phone and put it in my basket. Oh, I need some more work out clothes for my noon appointment at the gym, pants and shirt located. Then my eyes happened on the kids clearance rack of clothes, dangerous. I try to avoid these since Amelia already has a kajillion adorable hand me downs. I found the sweetest next year Christmas dress for her for $4.48, adorable cardigan $2.98 and a lil dress for the same price. And this is where Target kills you. All these little items add up. On my way to the till I stopped of in Aiden's dept and picked up a pair up $7.48 cords, the boy needs pants. So.. I actually saved $6 on face wash and moisturizer but I spent an additional $120 on stuff at Target.
cornbread crust chicken pot pie
I try to only shop at Costco once a month. If I go more frequently I find my grocery bill is way higher at the end of the month. I made a list last year of items that are cheaper to buy at Costco or are definitely more convenient to buy in bulk. Did you know Costco's top seller is toilet paper? And for good reason, who wants to run out of that? Anyway back to my Costco theories. I always buy bananas,baby carrots (anyone noticed they are slimy lately?), lettuce, broccoli salad, eggs,milk,beer,peanut butter,jelly, and bread when I'm there. I also try to pick up a rotisserie chicken because they are so easy for dinner. And they lowered the price, it had crept up to 6 something but yesterday it was $4.99 again. I like that. The chicken is an easy dinner and then I will use the chicken for another meal and then I will make soup with the (I hate to use this term) carcass. Very economical!
Tonight I tried a new recipe from Oprah's website:
Chicken Pot Pie with Cornbread Crust
Recipe created by Cristina Ferrare
This is a feel-good meal! It's traditional without a catch but very satisfying—not to mention easy and fast.
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 medium Onion , chopped
1/4 cup flour
2 cups chicken stock
2 cups chopped Roasted Chicken
1/2 cup frozen sweet petite peas
1 potato , diced and boiled
1 1/2 cup chopped, cooked carrots
1/2 tsp. salt
Cracked pepper
Dash of Tabasco® sauce
3/4 cup white or yellow cornmeal
3/4 cup flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup milk
1 large egg
2 Tbsp. canola oil
To make filling: Preheat the oven to 400°. Spray a 2-quart casserole with cooking spray. In a large sauce pan, heat olive oil and unsalted butter together. Add onion and sauté until tender, about 4 or 5 minutes. Add in flour until blended. Slowly stir in 2 cups of heated chicken stock, whisking well. Cook mixture over medium heat until thickened and bubbly, about 4 minutes. Stir in chicken, peas, potato, carrots, salt, pepper and Tabasco®. Pour into a 2-quart ovenproof casserole dish coated with cooking spray and spread mixture evenly.
To make crust: In a bowl, stir cornmeal, flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Stir milk, egg and canola oil until well combined. Stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Spoon the batter evenly on the filling. Bake until the top is golden brown, about 22 to 25 minutes.
* I didn't add the potato
Tonight I tried a new recipe from Oprah's website:
Chicken Pot Pie with Cornbread Crust
Recipe created by Cristina Ferrare
This is a feel-good meal! It's traditional without a catch but very satisfying—not to mention easy and fast.
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 medium Onion , chopped
1/4 cup flour
2 cups chicken stock
2 cups chopped Roasted Chicken
1/2 cup frozen sweet petite peas
1 potato , diced and boiled
1 1/2 cup chopped, cooked carrots
1/2 tsp. salt
Cracked pepper
Dash of Tabasco® sauce
3/4 cup white or yellow cornmeal
3/4 cup flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup milk
1 large egg
2 Tbsp. canola oil
To make filling: Preheat the oven to 400°. Spray a 2-quart casserole with cooking spray. In a large sauce pan, heat olive oil and unsalted butter together. Add onion and sauté until tender, about 4 or 5 minutes. Add in flour until blended. Slowly stir in 2 cups of heated chicken stock, whisking well. Cook mixture over medium heat until thickened and bubbly, about 4 minutes. Stir in chicken, peas, potato, carrots, salt, pepper and Tabasco®. Pour into a 2-quart ovenproof casserole dish coated with cooking spray and spread mixture evenly.
To make crust: In a bowl, stir cornmeal, flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Stir milk, egg and canola oil until well combined. Stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Spoon the batter evenly on the filling. Bake until the top is golden brown, about 22 to 25 minutes.
* I didn't add the potato
Monday, January 5, 2009
my new wheels!

Yesterday at dinner time Dale asked if I would go out to the garage and grab him a beer. My first reaction was to tell him to go get it himself but I had been out for most of the day by myself so I obliged. When I went into the garage my new car was sitting there! It's a 2005 Volvo XC90 and I love it. I took some pictures in the dark that didn't turn out so I found these online. It's the same color as in the picture.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
new year, new do
Over the last few months I noticed my natural color has darkened. I've decided to try out life as a brunette! I think I like it but I feel like I need to wear make up now as my face looks washed out with the new color. I chickened out about getting bangs but I think I may go back. When I got home from my hair appointment Dale told me to get on my driving gloves and we went and test drove new cars...

Friday, January 2, 2009
my word
Last year I chose the word 'reduce' as my life theme for the year. It worked quite well for me. Looking back I realize that word had more of an impact of how I lived my life than the resolutions/goals I had written down. It's easy to remember one word everyday and try to apply it to whatever is happening in your life at that moment. I had picked my word for 2009 a month ago and was looking forward to using it this year. The word was simplify and yesterday I realized that wouldn't be much of a challenge for me. I like simple living and try not to make things complicated. So my word for 2009 will be... courage! I'm not going to make a long list of daredevil activities that will be accomplished in the name of courage. It will be more of a way to step out of my comfort zone and try things a new way,push myself harder or stand up for myself and the people around me.
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