I joined the gym this week. So far so good. The kids like the play place. I've found the ladies only gym off the change room nice and quiet. I have big plans to move into the regular gym once I'm not a brilliant shade of scarlet after 2.4 minutes on any cardio machine. I may even try a class if some friends would join...hint,hint. Then today I was blindsided. One of the daycare ladies approached me, I thought it was something to do with the kids. She asked if I had tried their 'body pump' class. I replied 'no' and started to put my headphones back on. She said they needed one more person at the noon class or it would be cancelled. I had two problems with this proposition. I had just finished 30 minutes on the treadmill and was the above mentioned shade of scarlet and secondly, I had on really ratty work out clothes. I have cute clothes but I had already worn them this week. I entered the classroom to find a few perfectly co ordinated women, barbells, dumbbells and step benches. I was screwed. Too make a long story short, I survived. I was shaking and an even deeper shade of scarlet at the end (didn't think that was possible). I followed the instructor so closely that I even did a few of her 'pump up the class' jumps and hollers. I am a very good student. I will probably be calling in 'immobile' to work tomorrow but I'm glad I tried the class and will definitely be going again.
You go girl!!!
way to go Jen! You really are living up to your "word" for 2009! Maybe I will join you in a class some day.
Yay Jen! Good for you! I assume you are Gold's? I love the body pump classes. :) Hopefully you will be seeing a lot of me there soon...I need to reenergize my workout schedule for sure!
Amy :)
i am SO SO proud of you! excellent job doing your word!
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