Amelia had her one year check up yesterday. She weighed in at 20 pounds 13 ounces and is 32 inches. She is right at the 50th percentile for weight and off the charts for height. " Long and lean" they say and for once I held my tongue and didn't chime in "just like her Mama" because she really isn't.
Yesterday I was thinking of all the nicknames we use for Amelia and I wanted to write them down because I can't remember Aiden's baby nicknames. We call her Meelers, Miss Meelers, Meeley Meelerson, Sweetpea, Peanut, Little Monkey, and Puddles ( that one was used a lot the first month because every time we would take off her diaper she would leave a little puddle, thankfully that has stopped).
She continues her same words and likes to play peek a boo ( and has started hiding her own face), she likes itsy bitsy spider and will start moving her fingers together when she wants to hear it and likes to play whatever her big brother is playing.
She was gotten a little pickier about food and does not like baby food but does like anything dairy, bread and cut up fruit.
She's walking about 50% percent of the time and we are absolutely smitten with her!
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