I got a phone call from the hospital at 6:05 am that I could come in and be induced. After 6 days of cancellations the on call doctor was willing to induce me. I was showered and at the registration desk before 6:30am. I was having a baby today and no pregnant teen in active labor was going to bump me! The pitocin was started at 7:00am and we waited anxiously for the contractions to start ( I had a long induction with Aiden and got an epidural 24 hours into it just to sleep and never really felt the whole active labor part. Around 9:00 am I met the on call doctor who offered a c-section based on my history but I wanted to get this over with today and be on my way tomorrow, thanks. All morning I had mild contractions but then the baby didn't seem to like me moving around so I was ordered to bed to labor on my side. I think the worst part of induced labor is being attached to all the monitors and lines. At noon the doctor peeped in to see how I was doing and decided to break my water ( after another offer of a c section) to get things moving. The contractions started to pick up in intensity around 1:00pm but I wanted to wait another hour to find out how far along and to decide what I wanted to do about pain control ( I am a strong believer in pain medicine I just wanted to see how far I could go with out it). At 2:10p I was 5cm (are you kidding? ) after 7 hours that's it? I asked for something for pain. I remember looking at the clock and it was 2:20p and the nurse was giving me pain medicine and saying we would probably have a baby around 6 or 7 that night. With the next contraction I said I felt really "weird"... and next thing I know there are 10 nurses in the room and we are having a baby ( the doctor was in the middle of a c section, big surprise). After a few pushes the baby's shoulders got stuck and that's when the doctor walked in the room. Poor Amelia was tugged on until she came out and she was born at 2:45p. The most intense 20 minutes of my life. She was beautiful blue bruised face and all!
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