Aiden has a Harvest Party at school today. They were told to dress 'country' and I found this idea online. It's a cowboy vest and chaps made out of paper bags. Aiden thinks it's fabulous, it cost nothing and it can be put in the recycling bin when he's done. Perfect costume. It was also 'Books and Breakfast' at school this morning. It was a little difficult to get everyone out the door for an 8:20 start but it was worth it! It was a sweet little story time in the library with all the kids sitting on a giant blanket, eating snacks and listening to the librarian, principal and a student act out the story of "The Perfect Pumpkin Pie." Amelia sat quietly on my lap (wonders will never cease) and enjoyed a gogurt(note to self: must pick some of these up for future use). I am so impressed with Aiden's school and the positive environment he learns in each day.