Saturday we headed to Stoney Ridge after Aiden's soccer game. Everyone was tired and cranky but darn it we were going to the pumpkin patch, the sun was out! It was incredibly busy (we waited 15 minutes just to get in). Amelia had her first train ride and loved it. We quickly had to distract her with the animals because she would shriek and chase the train for another train ride. The kids weren't into getting their pictures taken so I just let that part go. We had some yummy apple pie with caramel sauce. Amelia loved the wagon ride and corn maze. She was so tired she kept tripping through the pumpkin patch and was covered in dirt and scrapes. I tried to institute the "you can pick any pumpkin, you can carry to the car" rule. Aiden inspected every pumpkin on the field and settled on a small green pumpkin he thinks is fabulous. He dropped it approximately 22 times before we got to the car and broke the stem. After seeing Aiden's (ugly) little pumpkin I found a pretty round orange one for Meelers that I carried back. I love that Aiden thinks his pumpkin is so wonderful. We are headed back in a few weeks for Aiden's field trip so be prepared for monsoon rains on October 23rd! Don't say I didn't warn you.
I have pictures of Natalie at Stoneyridge farm wearing that exact outfit! Isn't it the perfect "harvest" sweater?
Yes, she'll have to wear it to a 'harvest' party!
Ahhh, gotta love Stoneyridge!
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