3:30am awake, can't get back to sleep
4:30 get up, on computer, Dale up at 5:00am, I love the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, have 2 cups, don't think I'll be going back to sleep, Dale and I try to figure out the kitchen backsplash
6:30 hop in shower
6:50 Amelia awake, downstairs for breakfast
7:30 Aiden up, cereal for him
8:00 make beds, make Aidens lunch (pb and j,
8:30 walk/scooter ride to school
9:00 back from school, breakfast for me
9:45 leave for Mommy and Me dance class
10:45 dance class done, head over to grocery store, Amelia is star of the produce department, waving and calling hi enthusiastically
11:50 pick Aiden up from school, unpack groceries, feeling very tired and??sick, 12:30 Amelia down for a nap, I lay down for an hour and wake up feeling worse, I'm barely over my last cold and now I have a new one, had big plans for the afternoon that seem to fizzle out as the grey clouds move in
2:00 make spooky 'bone' garland with the kids, make an apple shrunken head with Aiden
3:00 decide I will try to make homemade oatmeal bread with the kids, surprisingly easy
4:00 really feel lousy just as it starts to hail and pour outside, I think family bike ride will be cancelled (I'm glad)
4:30 Dale home, I crawl to the couch feeling sorry for myself, stuffy and achy all over, tell Dale I'm not making cedar plank salmon like planned, he offers to 'make' dinner and we have frozen pizza, find "Surf's Up" on the movie channel, whole family snuggles on the couch to watch the movie, I lean over to Dale in the movie and whisper that surfing will be Aiden's newest obsession
6:00 Aiden's principal calls and we have a good talk, Aiden finds a basket lid to use as a surfboard and 'surfs' til bathtime, bread is finally ready have a family snack
7:00 tubby time, stories and bedtime for the kids
8:00 CSI is on! watch it and go to bed
Sorry you're feeling crummy! Hope it passes soon.
I'm glad you got to chat with the principal, bullying is one of my big fears now that are little guys are in public school.
love your blog... the spontaneous comments from the kids are priceless!
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