We are back home just an hour after the tubes were placed. Everything went well and hopefully we can both enjoy a nap!
updated: It was an early morning. I woke up at 1:00 am thinking it was morning. I couldn't fall back asleep. I don't know if I was worried about sleeping in or more nervous than I thought about the procedure. I finally got out of bed 3:00 and started tackling some items on my to do list. At 5:00 I made some coffee and had a shower then I was really tired (I hate how that happens). I woke Amelia at 5:50 and she was pleasantly chipper. I grabbed a familiar blanket and couldn't find her favorite bear so she settled on 2 dolls. We were all checked in at the surgery center at 6:15 and her procedure wasn't until 7:30. They brought us to a tiny (4ftx4ft) room with a blanket on the floor and a basket of toys. It was really long 75 minutes. There was a little hospital gown for her to change into which she wasn't interested in. After a while she did change but insisted on wearing the slipper socks on her hands instead of her feet. I really wished I would have brought my camera she looked really cute. At 7:00 they gave her some versed( sleepy juice) to make her sleepy and not remember being taken to the OR with out me. The medicine started to kick in while I was talking to the doctor. She was trying to kiss my face and lick my sweater and kept saying "Hi Mommy, Hi Mommy" over and over. She also would call out loudly "Hi and Bye" to anybody that walked past the glass doors. She was insisting on trying to walk but couldn't really stand on her feet.The staff was really great and I didn't get upset when they took her away. It was so fast (15 minutes start to finish) and then they brought me back to the recovery area. I could hear her screaming ( she just woke up really cranky) and after 20 minutes we were ready to leave. They give her a sippy cup of apple juice that was the highlight for Amelia after having nothing to eat or drink for 14 hours. She was a little unsteady on her feet and a little irritable but happy to be home. We made it home before Aiden left for school and I think he was a little disappointed about the tubes. In his mind, he would be able to see them and they would have been alien- like. By afternoon she was back to herself and I am just hoping this will be end of her ear problems.
YAY!! I'm glad things went smoothly and I hope you enjoyed a nap.
How on earth did you keep her off food for 24 hours? I'm so glad it went well and she's not upset about everything.
It was only 14 hours!
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