Warning boring, poor quality photographic content to ensue: I tried to do this last week and failed miserably. Hopefully, putting on the blog each day keeps me honest.
- woke up 7:30 to Amelia calling for Daddy, downstairs for super juice and cheerios for Miss A and coffee for me
- hop on the computer and try to remember where my camera is
- 7:54 Aiden awake and downstairs and wearing one of three shirts he always wears and a pair of shorts, hungry, cheerios
- 8:00 shower, make beds, make Aiden's lunch, pb and j every day, find a more suitable outfit for Aiden for school
- 8:35 walk to school
- 9:03 back from school, make oatmeal for myself, unload dishwasher
- 9:40 leave for Amelia's music class
- 10:50 leave music class and head to mall to drop off jeans to hem and errands at Target
- 11:50 pick up Aiden from school
- 12:00 back home, make lunch for Amelia and I
- 12:30 Amelia down for nap
- 1:00 Miss N arrives , organize tupperware drawer,
- 1:30 review and plan budget for October, pay some bills, Aiden and Nat play outside
- 2:30 Amelia up from nap
- 3:30 Natalie home, kids watch "Max and Ruby", snack time
- 4:00 story time
- 4:30 Dale home from work
- 5:00 make dinner
- 5:45 get Aiden ready for soccer practice and pictures
- 7:00 back from practice, quick snack of cheerios before bath and bedtime
- 7:30 bedtime story " Quick as a cricket" and lights out
- 8:05 Amelia crying from her crib.... It's only been 5 days since her tubes could she possibly be getting sick.
- 8:30 Amelia back to bed, a lil tv time for adults and me on the computer...
right now this seems terribly unimportant and boring but one day I will look back and smile.
Great idea! You will look back and smile (and maybe be a little sad too because you miss it)
are you able to do the mini book?
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