6:47 Amelia awake crying from her crib, woke Aiden up
7:00 downstairs, kids find box to play with, Aiden asks me to draw a lizard and a dragon, I love that a five year old thinks I'm so artistic, breakfast for the kiddos
8:00 debating a note versus going in to talk to teacher about another child's' behavior, consult teacher friend on phone,
8:20 leave early for school so we can talk to principal, principal not there and substitute teacher in Aiden's classroom,
9:00 back home, breakfast for me and a little computer time
10:00 vacuum and tidy kids room and bathroom, strip our bed, bleach and wash our mattress pad in hot water (watched Ocean's 13 last week and the scene with the bed bugs in the hotel freaked me out {also it's on my October cleaning list})
10:50 talk on phone with friend instead of cleaning our bathroom
11:20 hop in shower
11:50 pick up Aiden from school with wet hair, (wonder if I'll ever be a 'put together' Mom)
12:00 lunch and Aiden's anxious countdown to his play date's arrival,Amelia down for nap
1:00 T arrives to play, he's a classmate from school and they play wonderfully together, send email to principal
1:45 break out the latte machine from it's summer basement hiding place (we 'borrowed' it about 4 years ago from my parents { I don't think it's coming back Mom)
2:00 sit on the deck with coffee and magazine, enjoy the beautiful sunshine and listening to Aiden and friend play in his new fort (definitely worth all the work Dale!)
2:45 Aiden's friend goes home, snack time
3:15 outside for a quick scooter ride and shopping cart push( see the picture with Aiden in his helmet he has peanut butter on his face everyday that he comes home from school since preschool today I gave up wiping it off)
3:30 run errands, return library books, drop off at Goodwill, pick up jeans at mall ( would recommend the new alteration place in the mall) sit in construction traffic on the way home
4:30 Dale's home from work and takes kids for a bike ride while I make dinner
5:00 try to fix too salty chili with a potato (kind of works)
6:30 head to my first pta meeting
9:00 home, visit and catch up with Dale
Hope all is well with Aiden at school. I't amazing what happens at school with the other kids. Griffin seems to be pushed a lot on the play ground. My mama bear wants to go sit down there and push those kids back. Hope your PTA meeting was fun.
uugh, school can be so hard for mama bears! C just finally stopped getting bullied this year by the class midget. I hope whatever the issue it is resolved quickly!
Aiden would never survive in B's class, they have a severe peanut allergy in there, every single kid has to wash their hands twice (after lunch, then after they enter the classroom) just in case they eat pb.
Oh, and I always feel like such a shlump picking up Brady from school. How are these moms thin, clean, and decorated with makeup, jewelry, and nice clothes every day? What are they sacrificing?
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