Friday, February 8, 2008

gag me

Last night I was trying to find something for Amelia to eat for dinner. She has become quite the picky eater especially since being sick. I tried to give her some little pasta squares that she had eaten on Saturday for dinner (it was Saturday night she started throwing up). I put a few of the pasta pieces on her high chair tray and she started gagging/dry heaving. Dale and I couldn't believe she would have such a reaction. So we tried again a little while later, same thing. And then I had to do it one more time just because it was a little funny (aren't I a mean Mom?) I remember being little and visiting my Mom's uncle. They gave me a cream soda in a bottle (heaven). I threw up that night and have never drank a cream soda since! I sure hope this doesn't mean Amelia won't eat pasta again. What's your gag food?


Heather said...

Glazed ham. I react (at least I did, I haven't eaten it now that I'm an adult) the same as Amelia. I'd never make it on Fear Factor.

Grandma said...
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Grandma said...

Hambergerhash. One of your favorite dishes that only your grandmother would make for you. Now you know why.

Lyndie said...

Brussel Sprouts. Yuck!


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